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"...the choir's performance [was] not only beautiful but also profound." - A tutta Musica

Michelle Kwok is a conductor and music educator from Hong Kong. She has conducted, performed, and competed both locally and internationally. She was recently named a national finalist in the 2024 American Prize: The Dale Warland Award. An enthusiast for youth choral education, Michelle has been appointed as the director and associate conductor of multiple collegiate and community choirs. She has served as the assistant chorus master for various opera productions as well. In 2019, she co-founded a youth choir, Fluente Chorus. Michelle is an active adjudicator and conducting teacher. This year, she is teaching undergraduate conducting and directing the University Chorale at Indiana University. Read full bio 

「...合唱團的表現除了優美、還是優美。」- 《眾樂樂》

郭懿恩為香港指揮及音樂教育者。曾於世界各地指揮、演出及參與比賽。近期入圍 2024 年度The American Prize: The Dale Warland Award 合唱指揮比賽全國總決賽。郭氏對合唱教育充滿熱忱,致力投身青少年合唱工作,曾任多個大學和合唱團指揮或助理指揮。 合唱音樂以外,郭氏曾參與歌劇籌備及演出,曾擔任不同歌劇的助理合唱指導。2019年,郭氏聯合創辦本地青年合唱團洽聲,並恆常獲邀擔任合唱比賽評判及指揮導師。本年於印第安納大學教授本科指揮課程及指揮學校的University Chorale。詳細履歷

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